Yes, that's County Road 109! Dave had a great day of paintball at a new field near Mt. Gilead, Ohio! He had a lot of fun, and it was good to meet a few people that knew about other fields and such. It was his first time playing here in Ohio, and this new place is about 45 minutes from home. I wish that I could have gone too, but Harry and I had a fun time exploring around the area. It was so beautiful there!! The homes, barns and landscape was so picturesque-the yards were all so nicely kept, and the farmland was green and expansive. It was the kind of road that you would put in a movie! After a long, hot day, Harry was not feeling very good and finally went to sleep in his swing.
Today we found an AWESOME place for our morning walks! It's called Inniswoods Metro Park. Columbus has a whole system of metro parks that from what I have seen are super nice, safe, and peaceful! This park is a lot like Red Butte Gardens, but it is free and it is probably bigger. It has so many beautiful flowers, ferns, trees, and a very fragrant herb garden. It was so much fun! We walked around until I got super hot and sweaty (even though the humidity was only about 50%, it felt SO muggy!) If any of you ever come here, I will take you to this park! The picture of Harry is my view of him in his Snugli. He loves being in his "pouch!"
Here is a picture of my pregnant belly and also a picture of Harry. The reason I am putting this on is because I know some of you wanted to see me pregnant, and I never sent you pictures! I saw a picture of Susan Whitchurch at 19 weeks on her blog and it reminded me to do this. This picture is just before we went to the hospital! (41 weeks)
Well here are some great pictures of Harry. We are having a great time so far here in Columbus! Harry has taken his first stroller ride. We found a really awesome walking/biking trail that follows the Olentangy (say that three times fast) river and is surrounded by greenery. He loved it! Meaning, he slept the whole time. He also wore his overalls for the first time. That was more fun for me than for him, I'm sure. David had his first day of law school today, and from cell phone updates, it seems to be going great so far, beside the fact that the pickles I packed in his lunch leaked in his locker and now his locker smells lovely.